Types of Dentures

Dental technology has advanced to the point where tooth bonding and fillings are now possible, thereby eliminating a lot of the visual concerns about having a cavity filled or a broken tooth patched up. The tooth colored bonding procedure consists of:

Benefits of Dental Bonding

The benefits of dental bonding revolve around efficiently correcting chipped, cracked or discolored teeth in a fast and painless way. Some other benefits of the procedure include:

What Is Teeth Bonding?

Looking closely, the process of teeth bonding is not much different than receiving a metal filling. However, there are a variety of physical, health and even psychological benefits that are associated with teeth bonding versus conventional metal ones. Here’s a look at some of these benefits:

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How Much Is Dental Bonding

Both dental bonding and tooth colored fillings are dental procedures that restore your smile beautifully. How much is dental bonding is a question that often comes up. Those who undergo such treatments won’t have to worry about a mouth full of metal and the concerns that come along with that, or having to hide their smiles to prevent any perceived unsightliness.

So don’t hide that smile of yours. We can help you to restore it attractively. For more information on the process, ease and benefits of dental bonding and tooth colored fillings, contact our office today. We will be happy to consult with you and get your smile back on the path to lighting up the room.