Types of Dentures
Dental technology has advanced to the point where tooth bonding and fillings are now possible, thereby eliminating a lot of the visual concerns about having a cavity filled or a broken tooth patched up. The tooth colored bonding procedure consists of:
Dental Bonding – Ideal when a tooth is chipped, cracked or discolored, bonding is a way to restore your smile without changing the complexion of your teeth. Bonding is often a process that does not require any drilling where we adhere a tooth colored resin material to the tooth and then cure it with a special light so that it blends in with the rest of the tooth. When cared for properly, bonding can last for up to five years or more. The process is painless and can generally be performed in just one visit to one of our comfortable offices.
Tooth Colored Fillings – Tooth colored fillings are just what they sound like, fillings that blend in with the color of your teeth. We first remove the area affected by tooth decay and then fill it with a tooth colored resin rather than a metal one.
Benefits of Dental Bonding
The benefits of dental bonding revolve around efficiently correcting chipped, cracked or discolored teeth in a fast and painless way. Some other benefits of the procedure include:
Cost – Compared with procedures such as teeth whitening and porcelain veneers, dental bonding is a relatively inexpensive procedure. Veneers and crowns, for instance, are customized porcelain products that need to be manufactured in a dental laboratory and can cost significantly more.
Speed – Believe it or not, the professionals at FLOSS Dental can are able to perform dental bonding in less than 30 minutes per tooth.
Painless – Unlike other procedures used to solve the same dental issues, bonding is painless. In fact, most of the time anesthesia isn’t even required for most basic procedures. Anesthesia may be necessary, however, if bonding is being used to fill a cavity.
Applications – While bonding is most often associated with correcting chipped, stained or cracked teeth, it can also be used to solve other dental challenges. Bonding can be used to treat gaps in between teeth, fill cavities, change the shape of teeth or even protect a tooth root that is exposed by receding gums.
What Is Teeth Bonding?
Looking closely, the process of teeth bonding is not much different than receiving a metal filling. However, there are a variety of physical, health and even psychological benefits that are associated with teeth bonding versus conventional metal ones. Here’s a look at some of these benefits:
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The biggest benefit of tooth colored fillings is appearance. Since there is no metal being inserted into the mouth nothing visually suggests that you had a cavity in the first place.
The benefit of appearance translates to various psychological benefits associated with tooth colored fillings. Many people are very self-conscious about fillings, which then impacts their behavior. For instance, people may be less willing to smile or laugh in public if they have filllings that they consider to be unsightly. Believe it or not, tooth colored fillings can do a lot to lower a person’s self-esteem. That goes against everything we believe for our patients at FLOSS Dental.
Health – There may also be a health benefit to tooth colored fillings. Did you know that most metal fillings (also called Amalgam fillings) contain mercury? While amalgam fillings are safe when properly intact, these fillings eventually start to break down and it has been hypothesized that when they do, they may release mercury. If mercury gets in to your system it can be dangerous to your health. Some forms of mercury have been linked to certain types of cancer, multiple sclerosis and various other health issues. Although it has not been proven whether failing dental restorations directly contribute to any of these conditions or not, many people agree that it is just not worth the risk to wait to find out either way.
Process benefits – Finally, tooth colored fillings adhere better to the tooth than metal fillings do, thereby reducing the likelihood that patients will have to return to the dentist to have a filling replaced. Filling repair or replacement is common with metal fillings. The enhanced durability of tooth colored fillings means convenience in the form of less visits to the dentist.
How Much Is Dental Bonding
Both dental bonding and tooth colored fillings are dental procedures that restore your smile beautifully. How much is dental bonding is a question that often comes up. Those who undergo such treatments won’t have to worry about a mouth full of metal and the concerns that come along with that, or having to hide their smiles to prevent any perceived unsightliness.
So don’t hide that smile of yours. We can help you to restore it attractively. For more information on the process, ease and benefits of dental bonding and tooth colored fillings, contact our office today. We will be happy to consult with you and get your smile back on the path to lighting up the room.